Wednesday 13 May 2009

I ran and I ran , I was looking for me...

I ran and I ran I was looking for me...

I came across a tree, 
I wondered how tall it could be,
A tall man standing underneath the tree, the sky, the clouds and the sun.
The sun and its rays, with which the iron blazed,
and a tiny plant raised for its feed.

I am blazed...I need my feed,
I hear a voice that haunts me,
another one that taunts me,
Waves go through the untouched, unrippled mind,
waking me up with a jolt.
Its just words, just words...
were they just words which touched me so deeply?
but there was more which went to the core and its still here, 
there is more, more than just words which caresses me so profoundly, 
but somewhere its just a brush, which leaves me craving for more;
I hog onto it, then I slog to put it away,
but it returns in full bloom with a new charm.

The screen appears and the tree disappears,
The tree flashes...with the beat of my eye lashes.
The eyes relax and in the darkness, the silver leaves of the tree come back, 
the closed eyes search for more,
there is something lurking behind that door...
Open the door...Open!...the voice says,
Its open now, its virtual now.
The tree is gone and the screen is on and I move on...
Blurred by exploration, doubting my courage and conviction,
I wonder shall I leave the door open?
I see a glimpse of the world from the creaks in the door,
but am I ready for more?

Drenched in sweat, after a dance with zest,
I lay down on the floor and stare at the moving fan , 
the evaporating sweat feels cool...but then a chill runs through me and tells me - I wanna be free...

The sounds, the voices, the words, the touch, the spark, the glow and the afterglow, soaks me in...
I am drowned, I am deep there, but then I surface and get a taste of reality...bitter, sweet,bitter...
The two states coalesce, blesses me with a solidifying grace;
Now the tree and screen are one.
The darkness falls in the blues, among the white...appears a thought loose;
Am I 'one'? Am I free? Am I 'me'?

I ran and I ran and I am still running....(to be be 'me')

(P.S - my second attempt at poetry, the first was shared with one or two individuals only...this one was written in a trance like state, 2 lines...I slept for 5 min...another few lines another 5 min was weird and this is what I came up with)